Monday, March 30, 2009


As I was doodling, a somewhat philosophical thought about being unfinished appears on my mind. But all the words went out the window when i realised that i've forgotten all about the Malaysian studies assignment that has to be passed up by this week. I haven't start on a single thing, Pfftt.Malasnye.
Oh, and see the note behind the doodle? I'm suppose to study for my bahasa Malaysia quiz tomorrow and i thought i did. But apparently i read the wrong note haiyoooo!!!hahaha.chischiss!

Ohh.Ohhh! and i had my first ever waitressing job at a dinner function at Sheraton last friday. Oh ok. It was a part-time job and a one-off thing that i did just for the hell of it.BUT throughout the five course dinner, i managed to not be scolded by anyone, to not spill or break anything, and to not accidentally hit any of the guest's head with the plate that i had to put on their table from their right side while my other hand was holding another dish. And all the while wearing a three inch heels with a big smile plastered on my face!(ok.three inches je, but still.) Ohhhhh.bangga oookkk??!
For a super kalut klutz like me, who drops stuff everytime (my classmates can testify to this) and has a history of walking headlong into a door that is not even glass or made of anything that was see through (this actually happen during my first year.memalukan.), not doing anything remotely embarrassing on my first waitressing experience is a personal victory :D :D
At the end of the day, i knew how to set the table, fold the napkin into a semi-fancy shape, and got to serve cute gentlemen in uniform who made it a point to ask my name and say "thank you, nadia" everytime i served their course.
Oh yes,aside from not breaking spilling or destroying anything, cute guys in uniform were a huge plus for the night. But, i'm just sayin', you know.

Goodnight then peeps.


_b4rb_ said...

pncapaian yg baek
ble nk open table ni
aku tggu je

hani najib said...

buddy! lawa gile!

and kenape u amek subject bm?

buddy said...

barb: eh.x yah open table, teh-o ais limau pun cukup.but then, i already did belanja-ed u! wek!

hani: hanii! BM tu sbb subject wajib MQA.BM has never been this hard ok!

hani najib said...

hahaha. mcm kelaka sbb kene amek bm. good luck then! =pp