Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kelakar dia ni.

"Because days were so long and so little occurred.... i knew more things in the first ten years of my life than i believe I have known at any time since.I knew everything that was to know about our house for a start. I knew what was written on the underside of the tables... i knew and could take you at once to any illustration of naked women anywhere in our house, from a Rubens painting to fleshy chubbos in Masterpieces of World Painting to a cartoon by Peter Arno in the latest issue of the New Yorker to my father's small private library of a girlie magazines in a secret place, known only to him, me, and one hundred and eleven of my closest friends, in his bedroom."

Bill Bryson in The life and Times of The Thunderbolt Kid

1 comment:

pensukebulan said...

hampeh gile. 111 tau. haha