say you've done something that made someone mad or annoyed someone
and it is apparent that the person is annoyed and mad.
Well for you it is a small thing, the person over reacted. tapi whatever lah kan, you still say sorry-
but mumbles, dengan muka ketat, without eye-contact, while walking away.
memang sampah.
bukan kau. tapi apology kau tu.
If you don't feel sorry, katalah sebab kau tak rasa dia patut marah ke, or sebab kau tak ada mood ke, or sbb kau tengah nak rush ke or sebab your mind is somewhere else ke or anythinglah, then don't say that you're sorry.simple.
Otherwise you'll execute it so halfheartedly that it would just become something to cringe at.
If its a small stuff and kau rasa tak patut dia marah, then just say so lah, maybe org tu boleh explain kenapa dia sangat annoyed dgn small stuff tu. Tapi kalau kau malas,
then you should just keep quiet. Besides, mesti kau pun ada rasa marah sedikit masa tu sbb rasa orang itu tak patut overreact.So, tak payah extend apology insincere kau tu. Dah lah orang tu tengah panas, lagi lah bertambah panas dia lepas dengar your brand of sorry.
Better kau biarkan je dulu. Biar dua-dua cool.
Memang lah dia akan bagi kau cold shoulder sekejap. Kau expect apa? Namapun kau dah buat salah, tak kiralah intentionally or unintentionally.
Tapi lepas tu ok kan.Kejap je, lepas tu boleh bercakap macam biasa.
But if you still insist on saying sorry,
please try to be more sincere.
We are not kids anymore yea?
bkn aku kn.
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