Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yes, stupid people. stop littering. the earth is not your garbage can.

1) you don't recycle.
granted, it is hard to find a recycling centre around here.

2) you do not save energy.
how many hours have you let that notebook of yours on a standby mode? and do you really need all those lights?

3)And have you ever given a thought as to how much waste we produce in a day? We keep on buying stuff, keep on using stuff and the world is running out of options to manage these wastes. "Thirsty? oh buy that bottled water."
"Oh man, this paper is a bit crumpled, throw this away, gimme a new piece of paper." "Yes, i want the plastic bag, i mean, i can put this canned drink i bought in my bag pack, but oh, what the heck, the person is giving a plastic bag, why refuse?".
"Ohhhh lets buy those packaged food, then throw all the wrappers in the bin, mixed up with other stuff. Make the segregation costs exorbitant thus recycling impossible, why don't we?"
" used cooking oil? pour them into the sink. or into the drain. let's not give a thought to what it does on the surroundings shall we?"

still, we all do this most of the time, and then when conscience strikes only will we do the right thing. i mean this is understandable, we're all still trying.

what i don't understand is, on top of all these things that doesn't help at all,
you still have the nerve to litter?

i mean how fucking ignorant can a person get, right? especially if he calls himself educated.

of all the easy stuff to do, this should be peanuts.
don't catch my drift? here, lemme help:
got a cigarette butt? put the amber out. hold on to it until u find a garbage can THEN only you throw it away. Don't just flick it anywhere you want as if you own this earth.
candy wrapper and no dustbin in sight? put the tiny thing in your pocket. empty it when you get home.

I mean. come on. we've done so much damage to the world and even then we can't abstain from littering?
What? expect people will clean up after the trash?

for heaven's sake. stop being so fucking arrogant.
we share this earth.
and if you can't even bother look after it, please do not act like you have the bloody right to walk on it.
arrogant piece of shit.